جمعہ, مارچ 14, 2025

پوری دنیا کی سیاحت کا عزم لیے امریکی سیاح کراچی پہنچ گئیں


حیرت انگیز

کراچی: دنیا کے تمام ممالک کی سیاحت کا عزم لیے امریکی سیاح کیسنڈرا ڈی پیکول پاکستان کی سیاحت کے لیے کراچی پہنچ گئیں جہاں انہوں نے میئر وسیم اختر سے ملاقات کی۔

امریکا کی کیسنڈرا ڈی پیکول دنیا کی پہلی باقاعدہ سب سے زیادہ سیاحت کرنے والی خاتون، کم عمر ترین امریکی سیاح اور دنیا میں سب سے تیز رفتار سیاحت کرنے کا اعزاز اپنے نام کرچکی ہیں۔

تین سال قبل اس غیر معمولی سفر کا آغاز کرنے والی کیسنڈرا اب تک 193 ممالک کا سفر کر چکی ہیں اور بہت جلد وہ دنیا کے تمام ممالک کا سفر کرنے کا انوکھا ترین عالمی ریکارڈ حاصل کرلیں گی۔

ایکسپیڈیشن 196 کے نام سے جانے والے اس سفر کے آغاز کے کچھ عرصہ بعد ہی کیسنڈرا کو عالمی ادارہ برائے امن بذریعہ سفر نے اپنا اعزازی سفیر بھی مقرر کردیا جس کے بعد اب وہ دنیا بھر میں امن اور محبت کا پیغام لے کر جاتی ہیں۔

اس سفر میں کیسنڈرا کو مختلف بین الاقوامی کمپنیوں اور تجارتی اداروں کا مالی تعاون حاصل ہے۔

گزشتہ روز وہ پاکستان کی سیاحت کے لیے کراچی پہنچیں جہاں انہوں نے اپنی ٹیم کے ساتھ میئر کراچی وسیم اختر سے بھی ملاقات کی۔




اپنے اگلے مرحلے میں وہ لاہور اور اسلام آباد بھی جائیں گی۔ پاکستان کے ویزے کے حصول کے لیے انہیں تقریباً 4 ماہ کا انتظار کرنا پڑا اور جب انہیں ویزا ملا تو ان کی خوشی دیکھنے سے تعلق رکھتی تھی۔

The hospitality I’ve received so far in #Pakistan and specifically #Karachi has been astounding! From being offered a random, free upgrade to business class on @gulfair to being graced with the amazing hospitality of the crew and entering the cockpit and meeting the Pilot (the Captain knew about my Expedition before I even told him!), speaking to the students at the Institute of Business Administration, meeting the Mayor of Karachi, Mr. Wasim Akhtar, for the planting of the Cedrus Deodara tree (the National Tree of Pakistan) , coming back to my beautiful (sponsored) hotel and seeing my story and Mission on the front page of Traveller International, and finally, meeting with @rotaryinternational tonight! So incredibly humbling. Also, just comes to show (for those who think I’m not seeing anything in the countries I visit and that 2-5 days isn’t enough) that it’s all about time management and maximizing every moment of your time to make the most with what you have. But same applies to everything else in life, doesn’t it? My time here in Pakistan has just begun and has been one of the many wonderfully educational and culturally enriching experiences on #Expedition196. Don’t judge a book by its color or a country by the media. Much love ❤️ #peacethroughtourism • • • ✨Snapchat @ cassiedepecol To view all videos from today including the tree planting and meeting with the Mayor, head to Facebook.com/expedition196 ✨

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ان کے سفر کی کچھ تصاویر دیکھیئے۔

Let’s Talk Money: Part II Still, so many questions coming in about getting sponsored. "I want a sponsor”, "I want sponsors to pay for my travels”, etc. • • • Let me be frank, finding sponsors is not easy, in fact for me, besides the visas, keeping a steady cash flow was the most difficult aspect of this Expedition. About 8 months in, I was really struggling and had to keep taking breaks to come home to be proactive in reaching out to potential companies again. And we’re not taking 10-20, we’re taking 500-1,000. Sorry to disappoint, but companies will not give you their money just for you to "travel”. It’s essential that you have a purpose, a Mission, and an end result to make them see the value in contributing to your project, even if that project includes travels. To be honest, I had already traveled to 25 countries on my own with my own money where I backpacked and worked along the way to maximize the $2k that I saved the summer prior, and made it work. This trip for me wasn’t about seeing the world and enjoying myself, I needed it to be WAY more than that if I was to dispel all of my energy taking this huge risk. I consider myself a salesperson. I offer these companies something that benefits their business and in return, they provide my company with cash/goods/services. • • • Once you’ve found your: A) Passion B) Purpose C) Mission and D) Have committed yourself to your vision Here are some tips as to finding funding for your project (any project, but let’s use travel in this case)… • Develop your brand/company into something marketable (read books, do your research, craft your business plan) • Get a non-profit or two to back you up, endorse you, even fund your venture • Find a mentor • Make business cards • Network. Find conferences, professional events, use LinkedIn, etc. Make friends with the people within your industry and develop proper connections • Create a proposal, sponsorship deck and short pitch • Develop an Excel spreadsheet of all the companies that resonate with your values • Find their emails and, • Pitch your proposal/deck — Hopefully these tips will get you one step closer towards achieving your travel/career goals.

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Just talked about my (potential) newest project for YOU on Snapchat (@cassiedepecol) which would involve mentoring you guys through online webinars, Skype sessions, etc. that would further your potential with following your dreams in regards to entrepreneurial development (and travel). Is this something you guys would be interested in? No worries if not, but if so, comment below and let me know! Also what specific types of things you’d want me to cover (sponsors, trip planning, business plans, etc). If I see a serious interest then I’ll start working to have it scheduled for you guys in the new year, I’ll need a minimum of 1,000 of you guys (youth, students, dreamers and doers) to want to sign up! There’d probably be a small monthly fee since you guys would be the first to see the documentary and be exposed to the new book, as well as tons of inside tips to finding sponsors and investors, but not too much, I promise, since I know most of you are students and I’ve been there too . Looking forward to reading your comments!! Thanks!! ❤️

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PC: @supermattwilliams Sponsors: @landrover @landroverusa #landrover #landroverdiscovery #EagleCreek Location: #Malibu, CA

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You need to spend time crawling alone through shadows to truly appreciate what it is to stand in the sun. – Shaun Hick

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Being aired tonight at 19:30 on MBC Mauritius! #expedition196

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I don’t know what’s better, the moon or the company… • • • #NikonD750 #tripod #sandbar #SonevaFushi #Sponsored #Expedition196 #thebestmemories

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اہم ترین

ویب ڈیسک
ویب ڈیسک
اے آر وائی نیوز کی ڈیجیٹل ڈیسک کی جانب سے شائع کی گئی خبریں

مزید خبریں